A brief!
We are SEQUERE, leading information, communications and technology (ICT) company providing top-class business consulting, information technology and communication services. Utilizing deep industry and functional skill, leading technology rules and a global delivery model, we make it possible that companies can get their business goals and transformation objectives very easily. We make use of a whole-istic strategy which is based on User Centered plan and User Experience standards while merging branding, approach and social media marketing.
What is in the Name?
SeQuere is a Latin word and it means “to follow”. We seek to emphasize that the advent of the Internet has engineered amazing changes and we will continue to follow these changes to transform our society and the way we do business. Technology is the foundation of our belief that “new” signifies “better,” while “Ethics” is a permanent, ubiquitous value that represents the cornerstone of our entire organization. A strong sense of dynamic development and constant ethical grounding is the driving force behind 'SeQuere'.
The Vision
To be one of the world’s best 'ICT’ Company
The Belief
The Company knows that in order to realize this vision and become a global top-tier consulting and technology services organization, it needs to get industry leading benchmarks in corporate governance, provide excellence and employee happiness.
Application Development Company
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